4/20/2024 : 2:21 am : +0200


SREhttp/2 is an http/1.1 (WWW) Server for OS/2. More precisely, SREhttp/2 is a filter for the Sre2003 Internet Interface.

The SREhttp project is dedicated to the provision of free, WWW-aware software for the OS/2 community. Written primarily in <tt>REXX</tt>, the flagship product is the SREhttp/2 http/1.1 server for OS/2. Other applications, most of which can be run either as addons for the SREhttp/2 WWW server or or as CGI-bin scripts under any OS/2 WWW server, include GIF creation utilities, site-search and URL verification tools, bulletin board and forum utilities, and much more.

You get more information on the SREhttp/2 homepage.